Prevent, Fight, and Win Against PTSD/PTSI Without Risking Your Career.

Have you ever wondered how some of the strongest firefighters in the world seem so amazingly calm, cool, and collected? So resilient and maybe even optimistic?

Everyone looks up to them. They seem like they can handle anything, go the distance in their careers, and have wonderful family lives. How do they do it?

My family, with my first responder dad, was chaotic in the 70s and 80s, and I loved him. But it does make it hard to understand how they do it today.

You have to think that these resilient firefighters must be stronger than average or are cut from a different mold, right?

What if that actually wasn't the case? What if these resilient firefighters had a secret weapon and they acquired it by doing something differently, learning something extra, and receiving proven, "not-taught-at-work" training like this being offered to you right now?

My name is Carla Lundblade. That's me and my dad, Carl (below). I have been a PTSD/PTSI clinical therapist for first responders for a long time and the #1 thing I get asked by firefighters is, "How the hell can I be resilient like that?”

The reality is that 94% of firefighters I've surveyed during department-wide, department-approved training programs report having PTSD/PTSI symptoms. If you're like most of them, you're probably not aware that you may be suffering right now. Even if you are aware, you probably feel like you need answers about what it is and what can be done about it.

To make matters worse, you probably aren't provided access to critical resources like preparedness training, ongoing training, and treatment without repercussions to your career, as most fire departments today still don't address PTSD/PTSI or, to put it more simply, don't know how.

You might even have resigned yourself to just keep suffering because you think there’s no way to get back to truly enjoying your life, family, and career.

I'm here to change that. I want to show you how you can prevent, fight, and win against firefighter PTSD/PTSI and be stronger than ever.

The City of Sacramento, California, wrote a letter of endorsement about my PTSD/PTSI work, which they provided for their firefighters (500+) and required as mandatory training. They recognized the normalcy of the PTSD/PTSI progression for all of their fire personnel, and the ability, given appropriate training and education, to stop it no matter when it strikes. In addition, they pledged to help with outreach efforts for first responders everywhere. Their letter to me read:

Your Image

Today, I'm providing you with the very best of my professional and clinical expertise and joining forces with 10 of the most resilient firefighters/instructors from across the nation. All have been in the field and in a therapist's office. Together, we have created this effective, one-of-a-kind PTSD/PTSI prevention and recovery training program. And we're sharing our positive, "confidential-until-now" results, all with private access for you from your personal electronic devices.

Plus, I promised my dad I would continue this important mission of healing our first responders and families.

My Expertise Has Been Featured On:

Prevent, Fight, and Win Against PTSD/PTSI.

The problem isn't that you've developed PTSD/PTSI or that you could develop it in the future. It's that you're not equipped to tackle it and aren't taking the proven steps to combat it when it strikes. Most books that talk about firefighter PTSD/PTSI tell you a personal story. I know because I've researched what's available for you (and, more importantly, what's NOT available for you). Personal stories are wonderfully inspiring, no doubt. However, my complete training program includes experts who have teamed up to equip and protect you. We explain in clear, step-by-step detail, an action plan that, if you follow it, can help you overcome the debilitating effects of PTSD/PTSI without risking your career.


"American Firefighter PTSD/PTSI: Questions Firefighters Secretly Ask and Answers They Desperately Need"

"American Firefighter PTSD/PTSI: Questions Firefighters Secretly Ask and Answers They Desperately Need"

The step-by-step training program for a rewarding and long-lasting firefighter career, because there is no reason a firefighter should ever feel as if they have nowhere to turn for help, as if no one cared enough to listen, as if there were no process to follow or support system to access. Protect yourself. Advocate for yourself. Trust yourself.

Here's What You'll Discover:

The perfect PTSD/PTSI preparedness training. By preparing yourself, you become the one in control and the one with the training and capabilities to overcome it when it strikes. You train for everything else about your job. You need to train for this, too. Knowledge isn't just power here in this step, it's protection.

How to spot two critical PTSD/PTSI onset loops. Over my years in clinical practice, I have documented these initial stages, steps, and pitfalls many firefighters experience when symptoms begin. They may apply to you. If you know how to identify them early, you can dig in immediately and correct the damage, which prevents things from getting much worse.

My most trusted PTSD/PTSI treatment hack. It is this fool-proof process that prepares you when making decisions about who to talk to for help and when. It also teaches you the questions you should ask and how to choose wisely, so you can 100% protect your privacy, career, and family.

Why you should talk about suicide with every firefighter and how to easily start the conversation. My Firefighter Suicide Prevention Action Plan and Organizational Set-Up Guide.

And a whole lot more.

Firefighters’ Feedback After Contributing to This Program:

More Positive Feedback:

“Karl,” Fire Chief in Module 11, Rural Northern California

“Carla, I love what you're doing for all of us! I've enjoyed talking with you, and this project was so cool to be a part of. You made it really easy to talk. I feel like I have to help lead others down the path of, ‘You’re going to be okay.’ We’re still going to have those naysayers who will say, ‘Suck it up, Buttercup.’ However, those are the people who don’t want to advance the service anyway as far as I’m concerned. Fixing our suicide problem means being open and talking about PTSD/PTSI.”

Julie McIntyre, Engineer/Firefighter in Module 8, Sacramento Fire Department, California

“It’s so important as a firefighter to talk. On two occasions, I was written up by my captains for not talking or interacting during our downtime. I didn’t want my name to be on that list because I shared something with my coworkers. It took many years for me to trust. Now, I’ll tell you there are no secrets, and I’m open to listening and noticing others when things start to turn dark. We’re taking down the walls, Carla.”

“Brian,” Firefighter/Peace Officer in Module 7

“It was such an impactful discussion! I've listened to other conversations you’ve had on the air, Carla, and that’s why I was honored to be part of this project. I think it’s a great thing you’re doing bringing the discussion of firefighter PTSD/PTSI out into the open. It’s something that can really help people. This is big!”

PTSD/PTSI Affects You, Your Families, And Your Coworkers In So Many Ways.

The purpose of this instructional program is to provide a new, powerful, and confidential way to train every firefighter, from the beginning of their career through retirement and beyond. My mission is to help you become informed about the resources available because:

Firefighters’ suicide deaths have increased to 30 percent higher than all other work-related deaths combined and show no signs of decreasing (Powers, 2019).

Suicide is underreported by fire departments by as much as 50 percent (Powers, 2019).

An average firefighter will experience more death and carnage in two months than a highway patrol officer will experience in a decade (Powers, 2019).

Firefighters have PTSD/PTSI and depression at levels five times that of civilians (Heyman, Dill, & Douglas, 2018).

Firefighters experience 17 times more dysfunction in their marriages and family lives than the general population (Berninger et al., 2010). This has a huge impact on divorce rates and drastically increases the number of broken homes and broken families.

Fire department training has tripled over the last 10+ years, but there is still little training provided for PTSD/PTSI or mental health (Markey, 2016).

Firefighters are highly trained to respond “normally” in abnormal situations for their survival. PTSD/PTSI training is just as important for their survival (Prenski, 2019).

A full program list of sources referenced is included in the Terms and Conditions section of the Checkout Form below.

($1,760 Clinical Value)

Your Cost $99

(You Save 94%)

"Hi, Carla, Congratulations on the PTSD/PTSI project. I have watched your posts, know some of the folks in the book, and have read it. I believe in what you are doing in the realm of PTSD/PTSI, having lost coworkers and fire service friends to suicide or PTSD/PTSI that cost them their careers, families, etc. Reaching over 30 years in the fire service and still going, I know I have my share of events tucked away in that “little box that sits on the shelf in the back of my mind” that spills out sometimes. Thanks for your consideration and for doing what you are doing. If it can help one person in fire, law enforcement, or EMS, it’s all worth the work." - Bill Gillespie, Fire Chief, Crescent City Fire and Rescue, Humboldt Bay Fire, California


Claim Two Additional Free Bonuses

With Your Order.

When you order the "Prevent, Fight, and Win Against PTSD/PTSI" program, you'll receive these two extra bonuses at no additional charge.

Free Bonus #1:

The Confidential Firefighter PTSD/PTSI

Self-Quiz, Fourth Edition

($1,350 Clinical Value)

Plan, set up, and administer your own confidential PTSD/PTSI symptoms assessment with my proprietary 40-point clinical inventory. I developed it exclusively for firefighter clients treated within my therapy practice and for fire department presentations in the field. 94% report symptoms, with some scoring as high as 30/40. If you have untreated symptoms on the PTSD/PTSI self-quiz, the quality of your life and your family's life can be significantly reduced. What will your score be? And why continue to suffer? Help is here.

Free Bonus #2:

The Life-Saving PTSD/PTSI Training Video

That Started It All

($250 Clinical Value)

In 2016, Fire Captain Steve DeMartin and I conducted this game-changing video interview about his successful treatment for PTSD/PTSI. It was endorsed by the City of Sacramento and utilized as mandatory training for all fire personnel. Then in 2019, Steve said, "In yet another success story, a firefighter pulled me aside and said your training has changed the lives of at least 10 firefighters he knows. It has made a huge impact and so many lives of our firefighters have been saved. You have saved lives, Carla. Incredible!"


Get The Entire

"Prevent, Fight, and Win Against PTSD/PTSI" Program For Just $99.

(You Save Over 97%)

American Firefighter PTSD/PTSI: Questions Firefighters Secretly Ask and Answers They Desperately Need ($1,760 CLINICAL VALUE) $99.

PTSD/PTSI Preparedness Training (included free).

PTSD/PTSI Ongoing Training Set-Up Guide (included free).

PTSD/PTSI Treatment Guide (included free).

Firefighter Suicide Prevention Action Plan and Organizational Set-Up Guide (included free).

Free Bonus #1: The Confidential Firefighter PTSD/PTSI Self-Quiz, Fourth Edition ($1,350 CLINICAL VALUE) (included free).

Free Bonus #2: The Life-Saving PTSD/PTSI Training Video That Started It All ($250 CLINICAL VALUE) (included free).

The American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Defense, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the United States Fire Administration (USFA), and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) all now recommend evidence-based treatments for PTSD/PTSI symptom relief (CalSouthern Psychology, 2015; USFA, FEMA, & NVFC, 2015).

Based on these positive, medically-proven findings and the fact that "on-the-job" PTSD/PTSI training is not usually accessible, I am providing a resource for you with complete confidentiality and no risk. This program is also a suitable gift for someone you care about who may benefit from preventative knowledge as well as support.

If I could go back 40 years and have access to this training program for my father's PTSD/PTSI, I would pay any amount of money for the opportunity ... literally, any amount. However, you have a chance to improve your life from something Dad and I couldn't have imagined was possible. You can reverse the devastating effects of firefighter PTSD/PTSI.

Now, we have learned a "proven" better way. Please choose it.

“Frank,” Current Firefighter, 15 Years, Module 4

“Carla, You translated what I said so perfectly. In our line of work, it’s important to be proactive, not reactive. After calls, we have to help each other feel at ease expressing our experiences and emotions. Talking with you the last few times has not only allowed me to be open and honest but also allowed me to revisit some of my own emotions. This program is such a great tool for helping so many. It's the “tip of the spear” opening so many doors to the help we need and deserve.”

About The Creator

Carla Lundblade, M.S.

PTSD/PTSI Clinical Therapist for First Responders, Program Designer, Author, and Educator

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Carla Lundblade, M.S., has been a Psychology Today verified licensed clinical therapist on state and national levels and clinically consults with first responders and military personnel, including individuals, couples, and families. She has also been a PTSD/PTSI and addictions recovery program designer for the Veterans Administration (VA) and the private sector. She provides assistance for PTSD/PTSI, suicide prevention, grief, addictions, survivor's guilt, divorce, relationships, and family/parenting counseling related to trauma. She has spent years teaching first responders and military personnel life-saving strategies for reducing PTSD/PTSI symptoms and is an internationally-recognized expert.

My "Prevent, Fight, and Win Against PTSD/PTSI" Money-Back Guarantee.

If after you receive the "Prevent, Fight, and Win Against PTSD/PTSI" program, complete the training, and do not believe you have gained any benefit, simply email me within 30 days. I will return 100% of your purchase price.

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